Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mmm, changes...

I think that I shall change my blog template soonish, I was going to do it now, but I should probably go and do work really. Though might take a break and do it in a bit...

There's lots of cool things that you can change :). I was going to try and create a whole html one at some point, but there's not a huge amount of point now, as there are lots of potential customisation thingymadoodas... Good stuff :)

Hmm... I shall have to think about all of this :P

Well, I'm feeling fairly positive today. For the last week or so I've been stressed out and not feeling like my work was going anywhere, but I'm starting to get a better grip on it, and am generally feeling way better. I realised my main problem was that I hadn't prayed about it - I'd just been struggling and not thinking about it, but as soon as I started praying about it and actually taking time with God, everything started to make a bit more sense...
I've still not got that far, but I'm actually doing something and am starting to get an idea of how this project is going to go...

So I'd better go do something useful :).
Happy Pancake Day everyone :)

1 comment:

Jingle Bella said...

Hey hey!

Glad to hear that praying helped :) I should've suggested that when I was on the phone to you last. I think we talked about praying for other people but I didn't think to talk about praying for yourself - d'oh ...

I should run away and do some work - have just updated my blog, so now I've got no excuse.

Take care,
