Monday, March 24, 2008


I'm currently writing my psychology essay on gender biases and I just thought this was kind of funny:

I almost wrote "Alpha bias is when the differences between females and males are exaggerated; this bias could be used to make males seem better and females seem inferior or it could be used to state the obvious."
Instead of "Alpha bias is when the differences between females and males are exaggerated; this bias could be used to make males seem better and females seem inferior or it could be used to state the opposite."

Yeah. Well, I found it entertaining...
I'll go now.

Actually I won't, just thought, I'll comment here - I've done over half of my Ireland (history) coursework! It's taken all day... I'm hoping to have the other half-ish done tonight. And I need to finish my psych essay. And do some art.
Well, tonight will be fun.

Hmm... eaten too much chocolate today and yesterday. Not good. Oh well; it was tasty :)

Happy Easter to everyone!


Jingle Bella said...

It made me laugh too! I read it out to Sparkle and he smiled. So it's not just you.

See you soon dearie

Hazelnut said...

Yay! :)