Friday, September 24, 2010

The World is my Oyster...

Though hopefully not the kind of oyster they give you in restaurants and say that you can have a pearl if you find one, but they're not pearl-producing oysters...

Anywho, my point was that it's 9:50 in the morning, I've been up since about 8:30, but I no longer have to go with my friend Sophie to do stuff for CU, as there's not a lot to do and she said she can manage on her own. So I'm up, dressed, had breakfast, fully awake, and I now have the day to use as I wish...

I've got lots of things I need to do but I'm trying to ignore that for a little while, lol. I'm going to just enjoy myself doing things like piano playing and possibly some Sims 3 for the next hour or so, and then get down to doing the important things...

One of the things I thought I'd do in this hour is update my blog with various things from this week...
It's been quite a productive week I think, Matt moved in last Wednesday, so it's been great having him around - though he's not around this morning as he's staying over at our friend Jess' house (I was supposed to go too, but forgot my wallet and couldn't pay for the bus, lol, but it turned out to be a good thing as Soph needed me to finish a couple of things for today for CU).

The important productive things I've done this week are job hunting with Matt (still got a few things to do, but I've put my CV in at quite a few places which is great) and a few quite time-consuming things for CU, but it was all worth it - the freshers are moving in tomorrow so we've got more things to do in the morning. It's all quite exciting :).

The less productive, but very enjoyable things I've done include picking blackberries, watching quite a few episodes of Flight of the Conchords, playing a little bit of piano, looking round the little art exhibition here (here in this town, not here in my house), building a cardboard house (after going to Tesco to get loads of cardboard boxes at about 10pm - sadly the cardboard house has now collapsed...), decorating our living room with interesting things... (I really should put pictures up...), and so on.

It certainly has felt like more than a week has gone by, but that's always a good thing I think, I spend far too much time, when I'm back with my parents, not doing that much, and all the days blur together. It's not a good feeling. When I think back to the events of a day, I like to realise that I've actually done a lot. It makes me feel like it was a day well spent :).

Right, I might go now, I think I might put up some of those pictures of our interesting decorations...

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