Sunday, July 05, 2009

Time really does fly...

Wow. Everything's happening so fast! Exams are over. Yesterday was my last day of work. Most of the stuff in our house has been moved to our new house. Have said goodbye to the people at church just now and came home (Mum and Dad were a bit optimistic about their ability to escape friendly churchgoers I think, they're still there) - spent a lot of time repeating all the details of where I'll be going to uni and how, yes, it will be strange to be going somewhere only for a few months before going somewhere else. But you kind of expect that in this sort of scenario for someone my age. There isn't really anything else they can ask me, lol. I got a lovely card from the 3-5 year olds (organised by Sally who's in charge, of course), and a book voucher, in the card they drew little pictures and the one who can write signed her name. They are lovely. I'm going to miss helping out with that group, and doing creche too. It's weird to think we've been in that church for 7 years now! It's certainly changed since we first came.
Anyway, today dad and his brother are taking another load up to our new house so I'd better go finish packing clothes and anything else that is currently packable.
Only a week left before I'm gone too!

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